If your child develops a minor cavity or has other tooth damage, our pediatric dentists may recommend a dental filling to restore their tooth to good health. For this treatment, you have the choice to choose between a silver amalgam or composite filling that is made to blend with the rest of their teeth.

A dental filling usually only requires one visit to our office. During your child’s appointment, our team may administer a local anesthetic to numb the area to ease their tooth discomfort and settle any nervous energy. Then, we gently remove any decay found in the tooth and apply a filling that shapes to your child’s tooth. After this is done, we harden and polish the filling to make sure it feels comfortable as they bite down.

Not taking care of cavity or tooth damage can lead to an infection or the loss of a tooth. To avoid this outcome, we encourage you to contact our team if you start to notice any issues with your child’s teeth or if they express any type of tooth sensitivity.

For more information about dental fillings and to schedule your child’s appointment, please call and speak with a member of our team. We would be happy to assist you.